Our restaurant is officially closed

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Now our famous and tasty dishes come hot and fresh to your door!

We also deliver Catering orders.

Delivery Zones:

Max Delivery: 35 kms - Please contact us for special requests

Delivery & Pickup Times:

Please check back as times may change.

Loyalty Points:

Receive $5 Bonus on Registration+10% Loyalty Point on App Orders


A new Indian restaurant in Burlington that offers fine dining options in a casual relaxed environment – we have Fine Dining – Quality – Authentic Indian Food.

We use traditional recipes, ingredients, and methods because we are traditional Indian chefs, happy to create authentic Indian dishes for you and your family.

Each dish that we create will tease your taste buds and encourage you to come back for more. Our dishes have been found in the royal kitchens of Indian Maharajas
and streetside vendors of Delhi.


2000 Appleby Line, Burlington, L7L 6M6, Canada